Monthly Archives: October 2008

Do We Need To Change America?

Eric Black writes: But the long passage (verbatim below) that fired up the crowd was Prager’s contemplation of why so many Americans have been resonating to Barack Obama’s trademark word "change." Prager said it can’t just be a change of … Continue reading

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The Mishandling Of Sarah Palin

Bill Kristol tells Dennis Prager that the mishandling of Sarah Palin was the most frustrating part of the presidential campaign. That McCain’s people "locked her up and didn’t know what kind of communicator they had. Having Katie Couric be her … Continue reading

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John McCain For President

Charles Krauthammer writes: Last week I made the open-and-shut case for John McCain: In a dangerous world entering an era of uncontrolled nuclear proliferation, the choice between the most prepared foreign policy candidate in memory vs. a novice with zero … Continue reading

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His Stupid Donation To Obama

A friend calls: "That stupid donation I made to Obama went through. Five dollars I gave to that schvartze. I gave him through my credit card. My name is Osama Bin Laden. They asked me where I worked. I said … Continue reading

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David Gregory: Vote Obama or You’re Racist

Evan Gahr writes: David Gregory took over MSNBC’s prime time election coverage earlier this year from Professional Angry Person Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews because Olbermann embarrassed the poorly rated cable network with his blatantly partisan tirades against the GOP, … Continue reading

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