Daily Archives: September 28, 2008

‘May You Have A Sweet Year’

A lot of people have come out of the woodwork of late to wish me a good year. Some of them actually mean it. They actually believe that our fate for the next year will be sealed during the next … Continue reading

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I Didn’t Go To The Flag Raising At The Israeli Consulate Today

I hear it was a two hour lovefest. I went instead to the West Hollywood Book Fair to brush up on the latest developments in queer lit. I sat in on a memoir writing workshop. There was a loud blonde … Continue reading

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I Know You Don’t Care For The Personal Parts Of My Blog

At least 20% of my website is devoted to me and this is the least read, least like section of my site. It’s wild and offensive and boring. I know. Sadly, the narcissistic supply I get from writing about myself … Continue reading

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A Painful Call

"Hi, this is….from …. board of directors. We’re calling all the members of the shul to wish them l’shana tova (happy new year)." "L shana tova." "I hope to see you in shul." "Yes."

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What’s Going On At Pacific Jewish Center?

For the past 15 years, it has been but a shell of its former self (it had a magnificent run under Rabbi Daniel Lapin and macher Michael Medved). It had a brief revival under Rabbi David Lapin (circa 1997-2001). A … Continue reading

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