Daily Archives: June 8, 2008

Why Don’t Orthodox Shuls Ever Start Their Shuvuot Learning Before 11 PM?

Some of us need our beauty sleep. Conservative shuls know how to do Shuvuot right. They tend to start around 9 pm. Beth Am on La Cienega and Olympic Blvds has a dynamic program.

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I Was Live In My Chat Room With Holly Randall

Come join the fun! Pics: I took some stills by holding the camera out and Holly close: Self-portrait of myself with Holly at the hovel Holly Randall, Luke Ford Holly Randall, Luke Ford Holly Randall adores Luke Ford Holly Randall … Continue reading

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Circumsize Me: The Comedy Of Yisrael Campbell

I knew this guy at Ohr HaTorah and saw him again at LimmudLA in February. From The Jewish Channel: Have you heard the one about the son of an ex-nun who moves to Israel, grows side curls, starts wearing ultra-Orthodox … Continue reading

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Video Of Alana Newhouse

This is the first time I’ve seen her move. It’s not an unpleasant sight. When she cocks her head and smiles, I bet you anything she’s thinking about me and my unique brand of Jewish journalism. I admit it did … Continue reading

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Jim Goad Has Surgery For A Brain Tumor

Jim writes on his chat board: (My Jim Goad Interviews) Hello, Sugary Friends. I’m typing this from a laptop in a hospital bed in downtown Atlanta. On Thursday some neurosurgeons plan to carve a cocktail-coaster-sized hole in my skull and … Continue reading

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