Daily Archives: June 6, 2008

Obligatory Sex

Allison Williams says on Dennis Prager’s radio show June 4: "Husbands and wives must have sex. It’s not optional. Both men and women need sex for different reasons. It’s foolish to think you can have a sexless marriage and prevent … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Says Barack Obama Surrounded By ‘Scum’

Dennis Prager says about Obama (24 minutes into this recording): "You want America to lose in Iraq. That’s what withdrawal means. We’re winning. It’s not a matter of opinion. He wants us to lose. That’s what leaving is. It means … Continue reading

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Complete Interview With David S. Gruber – The Orthodox Rabbi Who Became A Secular Humanist

Read the whole thing here. Here’s an excerpt: Luke: "Let me stop you there. How did your wife feel about this journey of yours?" David: "I’ve been pontificating for a while, right? You can take the rabbi out of the shul … Continue reading

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Religious tensions at boiling point in Beitar Illite as 14-year-old girl attacked by member of town’s ‘modesty guard’

From YNET News: A 14-year-old girl from Beitar Illite was taken to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem after an unknown person spilled acid on her face, legs and stomach, causing light burn wounds. The act has been attributed … Continue reading

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Orit Arfa, Carrie Bradshaw & Sex and the City

If I were a rabbi, I would get a good sermon out of the destructiveness of this movie and TV show. Don’t get me wrong. I love Sex and the City (even though watching it is a sin). Yeah, I’m … Continue reading

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