Daily Archives: June 14, 2008

Tzaddikim Of Pico-Robertson

Mr and Mrs Nuriel Cohen win my award for global kindness. They do a host of good things, such as gather food from caterers after simchas and make it available for pickup from their home. They offer challas on Friday … Continue reading

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Why Was Leah Kleim Put Behind Bars?

Leah Kleim blogs: The judge looked at the tickets that I got and questioned them. The judge wanted to know what happened to me. I said nothing, I took the rap. I have 3 kids who need a Mommy. I … Continue reading

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I Fear The Happy Minyan

I haven’t gone in about five years because I know if I go, I’ll love it and I’ll start going every Shabbos. I’ll even put aside my book of the moment and start davening. I might even find myself talking … Continue reading

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Barry Chamish Welcomed At Conspiracy Con

Barry writes on BarryChamish.com:       Normally, I never write about me. It’s not what my people want to hear. But bear with me this one time. I’ve had a busy fortnight. On May 20th I was in Phoenix to tape … Continue reading

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It’s Flirting, Not Lying

I don’t seem much wrong with a lot of lying when you first meet a member of the opposite sex and you start flirting (as long as both parties realize there’s a lot of play acting going on). It’s flirting, … Continue reading

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