Daily Archives: June 18, 2008

Narcissistic Brilliance

From New Scientist: Narcissistic people do not make pleasant colleagues, but they perform better than average at tasks that would daunt others, according to new US research. "Narcissists will leave everyone else to do the drudgery and come in at … Continue reading

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Bad Boys Running Wild

Neil Strauss says it is not true that women prefer bad boys. They prefer strong men. From New Scientist: NICE guys knew it, now two studies have confirmed it: bad boys get the most girls. The finding may help explain … Continue reading

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Valley Village Orthodox Jew & Former Boeing Scientist Abraham Lesnik Charged With Not Securing Military Secrets

From ERSNews.com: FORMER BOEING SCIENTIST In Los Angeles federal court yesterday, Abraham Lesnik, a former Boeing defense scientist was charged with improperly retaining sensitive security information by Federal prosecutors. His attorney Marc Harris accompanied Lesnik who was present for his … Continue reading

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Ground Control To Major Levi:

DiscoDuck:  Take your veggie meals and put your kippah on.  Ground control to Major Levi: Commencing davening.  Checking Tzitzis and may Hashem bless you…

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Jack Wertheimer Is Back

Rabbi Eytan Kobre writes for Cross-Currents: …JTS’s Jack Wertheimer is back on the attack against the non-Orthodox, this time with What Does Reform Judaism Stand For? in this month’s Commentary. Something must be done about that man, if only by … Continue reading

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