Daily Archives: June 16, 2008

I Die With Sam Harris – And We Don’t Go To Heaven And We Don’t Get One Stinkin’ Virgin

Monday evening, I drive to the Luxe Hotel (for the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Jihad Lecture Series) under a heavy burden (no less horrific than that of the poor Jews of Sderot). (Video) I had just been accused — in … Continue reading

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Full Version Of Shmuley Boteach’s Debate With Christopher Hitchens On God

It is moderated by Neil Gilman (a philosophy professor from JTS). It took place at the 92nd Street Y Jan. 30, 2008.

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The Conversion Controversy

Rav Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Several weeks into the current conversion fracas, and I have participated in a webcam debate, read two of Rabbi Sherman’s piskei din, plus teshuvos both modern and pre-modern, several articles in Techumin, a few chapters of … Continue reading

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Torah Lectures

Rabbi Gil Student writes: I am looking for a volunteer to continue this feature on a weekly basis. Please contact me via e-mail.   R. Hanan Balk on "The Abravanel’s Understanding of the Snake and the Fall of Man–The Boundaries … Continue reading

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PicoCricket – Genius!

One of the great things about having thousands of daily readers is that I get the chance to introduce people to new and interesting products or articles. The former is a big deal because I get to spotlight products that … Continue reading

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