Daily Archives: June 23, 2008

Why Do We Expect Presidential Candidates To Be Nice?

Anne Applebaum writes: But in order to become the candidate, both also had to make a series of utterly ruthless decisions, decisions that most nice guys would find unpalatable. I don’t care what a helpful father Michelle says he is, … Continue reading

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I Interview David Klinghoffer About His New Book – ‘How Would God Vote? Why the Bible Commands You to Be a Conservative’

Ever since I switched my phone service to Time-Warner, I’ve had horrible audio quality. Any phone call is a headache inducing collection of snaps, crackles and pops. Today is no exception. Luke: "Why did you write this book?" David: "To … Continue reading

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George Carlin – Anti-Semite?

He made this video "They Own You." "They say we need more money for education. That’s the big answer to everything, education. They say we need more money for books, more teachers, more classrooms, more schools, and more testing for … Continue reading

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Lara Logan’s Phantom Interview

ERSNews reports: ERSNews recently read the following headline on the CBS news site and it caught our attention.  Exclusive: Afghan Warlord Talks Resistance Notorious Terrorist Tells CBS News’ Lara Logan About Evading Capture and What He Thinks Of George Bush … Continue reading

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