Daily Archives: June 12, 2008

Frozen River

Normally I’m not interested in movies about fat people nor old people nor ugly people nor poor people nor losers in general. Video I want to think about winners. I want to look at people like me and imagine they … Continue reading

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Why Hillary Lost

Joe emails: The hard left did not want her. For reasons that she is sane and not part of the bush derangement syndrome and does not call for radical change and she voted for the war. But that is just … Continue reading

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Video Interview With Avi Davis Of The American Freedom Alliance

Video interview with Avi Davis of the AFA. The American Freedom Alliance will host a two day international conference on academic freedom on Sunday, June 15 and Monday, June 16, 2008 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. … Continue reading

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My SEO Blog

palestine4ever:  I’m telling you, Levi: sell the shovels to the goldrushers, don’t try to look for gold yourself. palestine4ever:  Are you running an SEO blog anywhere? palestine4ever:  You should be if you’re not. palestine4ever:  You can con–sorry, "convince"–thousands of your … Continue reading

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Google Threatens Blog For Publishing Youtube Revenue Share Contract

From Valleywag: Google’s lawyers usually busy themselves trying to defend their right to keep content online — so Google’s search engine can index it, of course. Odd, then, to see Stacey Wexler, litigation counsel for Google, send New York tech … Continue reading

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