Daily Archives: June 21, 2008

‘Rubashkin Meat Scandal is much worse than you think’

From projectusa.org: Agriprocessors, you see, has two lucrative and pernicious schemes going. One scheme involves driving wages down to bare subsistence by hiring desperately poor illegal immigrants to work in its slaughterhouse—the criminal enterprise that made the news last week. … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim Never Ceases To Shock

She posts: My husband (the guy in the cowboy hat) got me real drunk one night. He let his brother Tom Roe Fuck me. I was all tequilad up, he force fed the tequila to me. His brother fucked the … Continue reading

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How Would God Vote?

Joseph Farrah writes: In this presidential election year, many Americans are wondering how to vote – or even if they should vote. Into this quandary enters a new book by David Klinghoffer of the Discovery Institute with the audacious title … Continue reading

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Time Off From God

This morning the rabbi said there should be no time off from God. He bemoaned how kids in his religious school were unaware of the Torah portions between the middle of Bamidbar (Numbers) and the beginning of Devarim (Deuteronomy) because … Continue reading

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Sixty Six: A 2006 British Film About A British Kid Having A Bar Mitzvah At The Same Time As England Plays In The World Cup

This movie’s getting an American release. Here’s a synopsis: "It is the summer of ’66, and England is about to be consumed by World Cup Fever. For 12 year-old Bernie though, the biggest day of his life is looming: his … Continue reading

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