Monthly Archives: March 2008

Purimpalooza V – Party at the Palace!

Jconnect LA invites you to travel with us to the Persian Empire in the year 370 BCE, to the palace of King Achashverosh, where we will relive the Purim story and become a part of history. This will be a … Continue reading

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Cathy Seipp Died A Year Ago Today

Stupid bitch. My social life has collapsed since then. I can no longer go to the LA Press Club with any feeling of belonging. I’m just a stray dog again. I need my owner. I want my special doggy bowl … Continue reading

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Jewish Spirituality

I have close to zero interest in spirituality, prayer and developing a relationship with G-d (if I want to feel the transcendent, I just listen to a good pop song). About the only rabbi who made any sense to me … Continue reading

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I’m A Righteous Man Because I Don’t Hate People In My Heart, I Hate Them On My Blog!

I have some reflections on the Torah’s injunction not to hate your neighbor in your heart. I’ve been studying Sefer HaChinuch (the 14th? century book of Jewish education) on Leviticus 19 (the Holiness Code). Which Jews are we allowed to … Continue reading

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Words Don’t Come Easy To Me

I’m just a music man, melodies for my best friend. To better express my feelings and to placate my narcissism, I’ve made new video slideshows about my favorite person set to my favorite songs: Words by F.R. David. Drive by … Continue reading

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