Monthly Archives: February 2012

Is Contentment A Good Thing?

In my Christian upbringing, contentment was a big virtue. You were supposed to be satisfied with whatever you had in physical possessions and career success and the like. You weren’t supposed to strive to be a big shot. I grew … Continue reading

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How To Deal With Anxiety

Even though I keep telling my students I am not a therapist, some of them use me in that way. As we work with Alexander Technique, they find themselves releasing unneeded tension and at the same time releasing emotions. The … Continue reading

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Getting In To See The Rav

Shuli* emails: I miss the days when a Shull’s Rav was everyone’s Rabbi. You could drop by to see if he is not busy..or wait a little, to have a heart to heart talk. That was a personal relationship with … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help Musicians

Laura Klein is an Alexander Technique teacher and professional jazz musician in Berkeley, California. Laura tells Robert Rickover: “In a way, musicians and singers are athletes. We don’t think of ourselves as athletes, but we are athletes of small movements. … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Has Predatory Rabbis Doing Orthodox Conversions To Judaism

Alarm bells should go off in your head if the rabbi in charge of your conversion to Orthodox Judaism asks you: * When do you menstruate (so he can get at you when you won’t contaminate him) * To meet … Continue reading

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