Category Archives: Psychology

5 Reasons Why People DON’T Understand You

Much of my life I have felt misunderstood. These have not been periods of my life when I felt on the right track. For me, feeling misunderstood correlates with losing at life. The following explanations ring true. They match my … Continue reading

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If you hurt yourself, others will hurt you

Shakti Gawain wrote: If you judge and criticize yourself, other will judge and criticize you. If you hurt yourself, others will hurt you. If you lie to yourself, others will lie to you. If you are irresponsible to yourself, others … Continue reading

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The Art of Living Consciously: The Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday Life

Nathaniel Branden wrote: In my early forties, I decided I wanted to experience a form of body therapy known as structural integration (or, more popularly, “Rolfing,” after the originator of the method, Ida Rolf). This process involves deep massage and … Continue reading

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Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change (2011)

Here are some highlights from this 2011 book: * Police officers Gary Felice and Prince Jones were the first to respond to a house fire on De Leon Street in Tampa, Florida. When they arrived, they heard what every emergency … Continue reading

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Jewish Conversion And Assimilation (1-19-23)

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