Monthly Archives: January 2012

I Love The Sound Of Happiness

I live around many kids. Some people find children annoying. They’re too loud and rambunctious. I love the sound of kids playing. It’s the sound of happiness. They get so much delight out of a box, for instance. They can … Continue reading

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I’m Now Rooting For Rick Santorum

I won’t be depressed if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee. I much prefer him to John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Over the past eight months, I’ve swung from rooting for Michelle Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman … Continue reading

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Is The Alexander Technique Alternative Medicine?

I noticed that earlier versions of the Wikipedia entry for “Alexander Technique” listed it as an “alternative medicine.” I do not agree for many reasons. For one thing, the Technique is not a medicine. Nor is it a therapy. It … Continue reading

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High Anxiety

I got up at 6:30 this morning, took a shower, cooked some oatmeal and turned on my computer. As I was reading the New York Times, my monitor shut off with the message, “Monitor is going to sleep!” Nooooo! I … Continue reading

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What Interests You Frequently Does Not Interest Those Around You

When people ask me what I do for a living, I say I teach Alexander Technique. Most of the time, people ask me, what’s that? Most of the time, I answer, “It is a way of noticing how you respond … Continue reading

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