Daily Archives: January 1, 2012

I Have A Funny Way Of Showing Affection

In my first year investigating the industry, I met AVN publisher Paul Fishbein. He was very kind to me. He gave me two hours of his time and all the back issues of his publication. Many years later, after I … Continue reading

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Don’t Talk Business In Front Of The Wife

Jane* emails: “My neighbor is an orthodox Jew (I’m Jewish as well, though not as religious) and he told me that his beliefs prohibited him from “talking business in front of [his] wife.” Knowing some strong and financial astute Orthodox … Continue reading

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I Want Daddy To Take Charge

So I’ve been sending out pitches about my Alexander Technique practice to various pain clinics in Los Angeles and I have this fantasy that some doctor is going to email me back and say, “Come see me!” I’ve never done … Continue reading

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I Love The Sound Of Happiness

I live around many kids. Some people find children annoying. They’re too loud and rambunctious. I love the sound of kids playing. It’s the sound of happiness. They get so much delight out of a box, for instance. They can … Continue reading

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I’m Now Rooting For Rick Santorum

I won’t be depressed if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee. I much prefer him to John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Over the past eight months, I’ve swung from rooting for Michelle Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman … Continue reading

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