Daily Archives: January 15, 2012

I’m Doing Alexander Technique On My Own!

It’s easy as a student to get hooked on the delicious hands-on nature of Alexander Technique instruction. As a student for three years at the Alexander Training Institute of Los Angeles, I had the privilege of receiving daily lessons from … Continue reading

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Am I Inflammatory?

I never think about whether or not what I am about to say is inflammatory (unless I am in close quarters on a regular basis, then I am more careful). The other day, Martin Luther King’s name came up while … Continue reading

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Do You Feel Anxiety When You Lose Facebook Friends?

Well, that was weird. I had somebody I know (met her twice) friend me on Facebook and then after I accepted her friend request, she deleted me. And we have about 40 friends in common — on Facebook and in … Continue reading

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How To Get A Job

I told my therapist I might need to get a part-time job while I build my Alexander Technique practice. I asked him to be my coach for five minutes. He said I should check out craigslist. I should walk my … Continue reading

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The Joy Of Jogging

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