Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Anatomy Of A Panic Attack

Are there places you can’t go in case you have a panic attack? Are there things you can’t do for fear of panic? A few Alexander Technique lessons will help most people to let go of panic attacks. I had … Continue reading

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Practicing Massage Requires Good Body Mechanics

In this podcast, Jano Cohen, an Alexander Technique teacher and Massage Therapist in Philadelphia talks to Robert Rickover about ways the Alexander Technique can help Massage Therapists. Jano: “Practicing massage is an athletic endeavor that requires good body mechanics. In … Continue reading

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Fear Makes You Contract, Love Makes You Expand

When you’re afraid, you tighten up. The contraction will start in your neck and then spread to the rest of you. You compress, make yourself smaller, less of a target, and go into some version of the fight-or-flight reflex. When … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help You Learn A Foreign Language

Robert Rickover tells Harriet Anderson: “When learning a foreign language, there are pronunciations that are usually foreign. I wish I’d had Alexander lessons when I was taking French in high school. It would’ve saved me a world of grief.” Harriet: … Continue reading

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Did Fred Astaire Get Bored?

In this podcast, Alexander teacher Amy Ward Brimmer talks to Robert Rickover about how the Technique can help with boredom. Robert: “One aspect of boredom is not being in the moment and self-aware but being in some other state.” Amy: … Continue reading

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