Daily Archives: January 10, 2012

Dennis Prager’s Worst Day As A Republican

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said yesterday was his worst day as a Republican. He was that ashamed of the lies said about Mitt Romney by Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman and Rick Perry. These three have been attacking … Continue reading

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Masturbation And Sex Addiction

Joe* emails: “What do you think about masturbation? I still do it every night although my church friends tell me it should be avoided.” Sex addiction therapists recommend a three month break as part of a program to turn your … Continue reading

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Create The Life You Want

The San Francisco Bay Area’s most successful new Alexander Technique teacher is Amira Alvarez who headlines her website with the statement “Create the Life You Want”. At first I thought she committing Alexander heresy by marketing the benefits of the … Continue reading

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What Is Alexander Technique?

Beverly Hills Alexander Technique teacher Luke Ford talks to KXLU 88.9FM Los Angeles about the Alexander Technique. Many people define the Technique by what it does instead of what it is — a system for noticing how you respond to … Continue reading

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When Your Ideology Makes You Mean

Dennis Prager writes: Only a fool believes that all those with whom he differs are bad people. Moreover, just about all of us live the reality — often within our own family — of knowing good and loving people with … Continue reading

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