Monthly Archives: December 2011

Working With The Rabbis

Many Orthodox rabbis strain their voices trying to project across a noisy room on the Sabbath. The Orthodox do not use microphones on Shabbat. Many rabbis end up hoarse. Some lose their voices completely. And this strain is unnecessary. It … Continue reading

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I Meet A Holocaust Survivor On My Shabbos Walk

Saturday evening, I go for a stroll. An old man calls me over. “Can you do me a big favor?” he asks. “What do you need?” “I need a mitzvah.” “What do you need?” “I just had heart surgery. I … Continue reading

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Sabbath Muggings In Pico-Robertson

I reported here. emails: Dear Friends, Please forward this to your neighbors and anyone else you think would find this information useful. While this may not have happened in your neighborhood, it is much too close for comfort. As … Continue reading

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The Last Of The Pure Sephardic Poskim

In a 2008 lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Ben Zion Uzziel (former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel), history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: He’s one of the last of the few Sephardic poskim (deciders of Jewish law). The … Continue reading

Posted in Ashkenazim, Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy, R. J. B. Soloveitchik, Sephardim, Yeshiva | Comments Off on The Last Of The Pure Sephardic Poskim

Was Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg The Only Gadol In History To Have A Real Friendship With A Non-Jew?

In his first lecture on the Sridei Aish (Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg) for Torah in Motion, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: Rabbi Weinberg was friends with Paul Kahle, a leading [non-Jewish] scholar of masoretic studies of the Targum. He was … Continue reading

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