Daily Archives: January 3, 2012

Addicting The Student Vs Educating The Student

If you’ve had hands-on work from a skilled practicioner, be it from an Alexander Technique teacher or a chiropractor or an osteopath or a hooker, you know how delightful it can be. What distinguishes Alexander Technique from body work is … Continue reading

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Female Kabbalist “Removes” Evil Eye, Fears

Failed Messiah blogs about this Jewish ad: And she does so with the endorsement of Rabbi Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, the haredi “gadol” who famously told parents of victims of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko that because Kolko did not anally penetrate their … Continue reading

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So Is Alexander Technique Like A Massage?

When I tell people that I am an Alexander Technique teacher, they usually try to understand my work by comparing it to things that they know such as chiropractic, massage, yoga, Feldenkrais, and the like. I usually respond that Alexander … Continue reading

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Running A Business Forces Me To Reach Out

So I felt like retreating from the world this morning, but I got an email from a doctor with some tips for establishing my Alexander Technique teaching practice (Alexander90210.com), so even though I felt like staying incommunicado, I picked up … Continue reading

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Israel Is Thriving

The news media by nature tend to focus on bad news. The good news about Israeli society far outweighs the bad. Overall, Israeli is in better shape than ever. Caroline Glick writes: Unemployment is at record lows. At a time … Continue reading

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