Daily Archives: January 5, 2012

I Don’t Like Representing Anybody But Myself

Throughout my life, I’ve been condemned as a bad representative of my group. I fear my critics are right. I am a bad representative. I don’t think I’ve put any group I’ve belonged to in a good light. “Why don’t … Continue reading

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Does Facebook lead to affairs?

Married people, please comment from your personal experience. I have a good buddy from high school who won’t go back on FB because it gets him in trouble in this department and his wife forbids it. I think it might … Continue reading

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How Alexander Technique Can Help With Addiction

Throughout my life, I’ve said things to myself such as, “I’ve got to have X or I’ll be unhappy.” I’ve been compulsive. I’ve needed to fill the hole in my soul with some emotional high. Twelve-step programs are great for … Continue reading

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The Risks And Rewards Of Yoga

I did permanent damage to myself in my first enthusiastic weeks of yoga. I stretched out all sorts of ligaments that will never regain their original condition. It cost me about $1600 worth of physical therapy to ease the pain … Continue reading

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Parallels between the Alexander Technique and Acupuncture/TCM

Amira Glasser is an Alexander Technique teacher in New York and a student of traditional Chinese medicine. Robert Rickover conducts the interview. “At one point, I tried to understand it [TCM] and I gave up.” “When I go, I present … Continue reading

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