Monthly Archives: October 2011

Why Be Skeptical Of Global Warming?

Dennis Prager writes: In the belief that there are people on the left who are more interested in understanding the right rather than in simply dismissing its decency, I would like to briefly explain why many thoughtful people are skeptical … Continue reading

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Domestic Violence In Beverly Hills

Around 3 p.m., I was walking down Corning near Olympic in 90035 and noticed a police helicopter circling over head and three police cars with their lights flashing. They were tracking a domestic violence call. Some blonde woman had gone … Continue reading

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How Tiring Are Alexander Lessons?

I felt great leaving my first Alexander Technique lessons. I felt free and light and happy. Then I noticed myself getting very tired a few hours later. This is normal. You’re relearning how to do everything. You’re relearning how to … Continue reading

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Men And Women From Broken Homes

I’ve never forgotten when pick-up artist Neil Strauss told me he wouldn’t date women from broken homes. They had too much psychological baggage. I was struck by that and thought back over my relationships and I remembered all the turbulence … Continue reading

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When You’re With Many Partners, Sex Loses Its Sanctity

If you’ve just been with one person, sex remains an intimate act that you are loathe to do with anyone else. It is easier to stay faithful to your spouse.

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