Daily Archives: October 27, 2011

When Alexander Technique Sounds Woo Woo

In kundalini yoga, I heard a lot of things that were way beyond my rational understanding. I’ve rarely encountered that in the Alexander world. It’s all so logical. But then I heard this Paul Cook interview with Tommy Thompson (the … Continue reading

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Can You Pray The Gay Away?

Dennis Prager writes: Last week, The New York Times published an opinion piece by Karl W. Giberson and Randall J. Stephens, a physics professor and history professor at Eastern Nazarene College, respectively. The authors take evangelicals to task for being … Continue reading

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Why Be Skeptical Of Global Warming?

Dennis Prager writes: In the belief that there are people on the left who are more interested in understanding the right rather than in simply dismissing its decency, I would like to briefly explain why many thoughtful people are skeptical … Continue reading

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Domestic Violence In Beverly Hills

Around 3 p.m., I was walking down Corning near Olympic in 90035 and noticed a police helicopter circling over head and three police cars with their lights flashing. They were tracking a domestic violence call. Some blonde woman had gone … Continue reading

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How Tiring Are Alexander Lessons?

I felt great leaving my first Alexander Technique lessons. I felt free and light and happy. Then I noticed myself getting very tired a few hours later. This is normal. You’re relearning how to do everything. You’re relearning how to … Continue reading

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