Daily Archives: October 24, 2011

My New Pad

I moved in last Saturday night. Most of my room is clear space for studying the sacred text, entertaining women, and teaching Alexander Technique! I have my bedding against one side of the room and my desks and computer against … Continue reading

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Tao in a Bottle

I met a medical empath over the holidays and spent a few hours with her last week. She recommended, among other things, that I visit Dragon Herbs on Robertson Bl. and pick up some A17 and E07. When I did … Continue reading

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More Christians Support Israel Than Do Jews

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed writes: In recent times we have witnessed increasing support for Israel on the part of evangelical Christians. They view the establishment of the State of Israel as the miraculous fulfillment of the vision of the biblical prophets. … Continue reading

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Should We Execute Terrorists On The Spot?

Steven Plaut writes for The Jewish Press: It is perhaps the ultimate irony that the Bus 300 affair recently popped up again in the Israeli media just days after the al-Qaeda terrorist with the U.S. passport, Anwar al-Awlaki, was liquidated … Continue reading

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My Separate But Equal Approach To Teaching Alexander Technique

“Separate but equal” got a bad rap for its use in American law to defend segregation but there’s nothing wrong with this theory when it is applied outside matters of race. Men and women, for instance, tend to use separate … Continue reading

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