Monthly Archives: November 2011

Is No Contact 12 Days A Month Healthy For A Marriage?

Kate calls the Dennis Prager show today: “I’m an Orthodox Jew. Us Orthodox Jews have mandatory separation [from spouses] for 12 days every month [the laws of family purity]. When I was becoming religious, I was told that this would … Continue reading

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Are The Rich Different?

I think the rich are different (and not just that they have more money). I have no idea if Jewish Journal editor Rob Eshman comes from money but he seems to have the easy confidence that comes from coming from … Continue reading

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Bored Alexander Technique Teachers

Perhaps the biggest secret of Alexander teachers is that many of them are bored out of their minds as they do their work. After the thousandth time you’ve told somebody to free his neck, to think up and to allow … Continue reading

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When My Computer’s Not Working, I Can’t Think About Anything Else

I’m easily shaken. This morning as I was reading Instapundit, my computer monitor stopped working. I couldn’t fix it in the 15 minutes I had before I left for school so during the three hours of my training this morning, … Continue reading

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Longer, Hotter And More Water!

Split-pea soup is my favorite soup but for the past 15 years, I haven’t been cooking it right and it consistently disappoints me. I haven’t had a stove in this time so I’ve been under-cooking everything on a hot plate … Continue reading

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