Daily Archives: October 29, 2011

‘We’re Not Here To Make The Student Feel Good’

The typical Alexander Technique teacher trainee is going to hear many times over his three years of instruction that “we’re not here to make the student feel good, we’re here to help them learn something.” I’m not sure there’s such … Continue reading

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Is Alexander Technique Body Work?

Most people I know who’ve heard of the Alexander Technique regard it as body work. Yet almost all Alexander teachers say it is not body work. We think we’re teaching psycho-physical awareness. We’re teaching observation, inhibition and direction. We just … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique Energizes You And Makes You Feel Great

In a telephone interview with Paul Cook, Alexander Technique teacher John Nichols says: “There’s just one huge obvious challenge [facing Alexander teachers today] that dwarfs every other challenge — the majority of Alexander teachers around the world do not have … Continue reading

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