Daily Archives: October 26, 2011

Men And Women From Broken Homes

I’ve never forgotten when pick-up artist Neil Strauss told me he wouldn’t date women from broken homes. They had too much psychological baggage. I was struck by that and thought back over my relationships and I remembered all the turbulence … Continue reading

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When You’re With Many Partners, Sex Loses Its Sanctity

If you’ve just been with one person, sex remains an intimate act that you are loathe to do with anyone else. It is easier to stay faithful to your spouse.

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Do Journalists Work Only For The Reader?

Here’s a pious blog post by Hamilton Nolan at Gawker, who should know better: One basic characteristic of journalism is this: its content is not bought and paid for and directed by an advertiser. It might be vapid. It might … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t The Young Women Fans Of Our Show?

Luke Ford, Rabbi Rabbs discuss why their fans are overwhelmingly guys. Why can’t Luke and Rabbs attract more female attention? Luke lays it out for the rabbi and places blame where it belongs — on all the needless heedless thoughtless … Continue reading

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Rabbi Rabbs Unhappy With The Happy Minyan

Rabbi Rabbs does not go to shul much. He stays at home typically on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. But for a while, he would go to the Happy Minyan once a month for their big kiddush because he knew … Continue reading

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