Daily Archives: December 23, 2009

Attacking Jews?

Nathan Cohen emails: Dear Luke Ford, You never say anything positive about Jews or Rabbis. You only attack them all the time. There is nothing unique about using the internet to attack Jews. It is being done by: Neo-Nazis, KKK … Continue reading

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The American Dream Vs. The American Promise

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show yesterday pointed out that Barack Obama does not talk about the “American Dream” as much as about the “American Promise.” Dennis: “The American dream is how can I use these opportunities to make … Continue reading

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Are There That Many Racists Out There?

Yes, I believe there are. I believe that about a quarter of non-black Americans do not like black people and that most of these people vote Republican. I think a significant reason for the amount of racist vitriol online is … Continue reading

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Handicapped Hatzalah Members

Jack emails: Would you want a person who is so disabled that they need a handicap permit responding to your emergency? Isn’t the point of Hatzalah (Jewish ambulance service) to be able to respond quickly? How can a person who … Continue reading

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Rabbi Tropper Is Back!

One of the signs of a successful penitent, our tradition teaches us, is that he is able to forgive himself. By this standard, Rabbi Leib Tropper is a tzaddik! Rabbi Daniel Eidensohn blogs: Contrary to those who claim that Tropper … Continue reading

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