Monthly Archives: September 2009

Yisroel Pensack: San Francisco Orthodox Shul Plans $4.5 Million Building Renovation and Partial Redesign

Congregation Chevra Thilim, which describes itself as "San Francisco’s oldest Orthodox congregation," has launched a $4.5 million fundraising drive to renovate, partially redesign and upgrade its large sanctuary and social hall.  The project also includes plans for new classrooms as … Continue reading

Posted in Brooklyn, Chabad, Conservative Judaism, Hasidim, Orthodoxy, San Francisco, Synagogue, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: San Francisco Orthodox Shul Plans $4.5 Million Building Renovation and Partial Redesign

Connecting With Women

Kezia (a hot and smart British bird) writes: Us women however, do not consider that talking about our problems, feelings, insecurities and emotions as weak. We can really enjoy and embrace that moment when we can finally stop playing the … Continue reading

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Should Orthodox Judaism Have Female Rabbis?

Rabbi Gil Student writes in First Things: Women never served as ritual slaughterers, for example, although an actual prohibition was rejected in the Medieval legal literature. Nonetheless, when the question arose of whether a woman could, in actual practice, be … Continue reading

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David Suissa Is Tired Of Rabbis Preaching It Is Wrong To Steal

He writes: DON’T STEAL MONEY? BE ETHICAL? It takes courage to say that? Don’t get me wrong. Stealing and cheating are terrible. Jews who steal and cheat are criminals. They are a disgrace and a shanda to all of us. … Continue reading

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I’m Getting Hives For The First Time Since High School

The transition from the warm bosom of the Seventh-Day Adventist church to the cold secular world of public school was difficult and I spent much of 1980-1981 breaking out in severe cases of hives. Now they’ve returned for the first … Continue reading

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