Daily Archives: April 2, 2008

The Geography Of Dating

According to this dating map, Los Angeles has 90,000 more single men than women and New York has 210,000 more single women than men. Why is this?

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Mortgage Crisis Means No Tighter Regulation Of “government sponsored enterprises” (GSEs)

I cover the refinance industry here. David Smith writes: Roughly ten days ago, the Administration officially flew the white flag in attempting any further regulation of the GSEs. Legislation not pending?   As reported by The Wall Street Journal, with … Continue reading

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Democrats Vs. Republicans On Government Oversight Of Lending

Mickey Kaus writes: David Smith says scandal-scarred Fannie Mae and other "government sponsored enterprises" (GSEs) have successfully dodged the threat of stronger government oversight, thanks to the mortgage crisis–and the 2006 election. This appears to be a case where Republicans … Continue reading

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Jerry Friedman Cleans House At Shalhevet

Before he leaves his position as Shalhevet’s boss, Dr. Friedman is not renewing teaching contracts for a couple of rabbis who’ve opposed him over the years: Ron Jawari and David Rue. David Rue has been particularly scathing about the state … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam And Practicing My Kiddush

I have severe kiddush performance anxiety syndrome. Click here to join the conversation. I’m answering shailos and issuing teshuvos and bestowing semicha (rabbinic ordination) and converting goyim to Orthodox Judaism. All on my cam! All my decisions are honored by … Continue reading

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