Monthly Archives: March 2008

Creating A Relationship With God

Over Shabbat, I read a good book The Godfile: 10 Approaches to Personalizing Prayer by Aryeh Ben David. He writes on page nine: Many of us walk into a synagogue with the expectation that a spiritual experience will descend upon … Continue reading

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Obama’s Pastor:

Robert J. Avrech writes: Here’s Barak Obama’s religious adviser, whoops, excuse me, former religious adviser, former pastor, on Israel. Hey, when did Wright become Barak’s former pastor? Wow, that was fast. And where’s Wright? In Africa. That’s convenient. But Barak … Continue reading

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Sleaze, Equivalence, Bias

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press: Sleaze, Equivalence, Bias (Pictured: Notorious 1982 New York Post headline. Twenty-six years later, the Post, with the exception of its pro-Israel editorial page, is still sleazy.) A few observations on media coverage of … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Conversion To Judaism

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: There is a sign hanging in my office that should be standard in the office of every rabbi, communal leader, worker for Klal Yisrael or activist of any sort. It reads: “For every action there is … Continue reading

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What Women Want

Here are more of the interviews I did in August, September 1995. The first few are with this hilariously outspoken 24-year old named Stephanie. She was the best of the 50 or so women I interviewed. Her mom is Canadian-French … Continue reading

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