Tag Archives: Leah Kleim

She Got Drunk With Luke Ford

Leah Kleim posts: Its Memorial day weekend. Since Friday afternoon across America road blocks have been going up, grills fired up and of course the American way of celebrating/vacationing has been put into play…Binge drinking ! Being an American I … Continue reading

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The Rabbi And The Wanker

I’m working on a top secret somewhat autobiographical novel about a not-so-young man working out his mishegos before he gets thrown out of the last Modern Orthodox shul within walking distance. How do you like it so far? I’m open … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim – The Movie

Leah Kleim has had many adventures. Yesterday in my chat room, she said she had hooked up with a shaliach’s (Chabad emissary) wife. The couple wanted to help her. They brought her over for Shabbos determined to change her views … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek, Leah Kleim Live In My Chatroom

Click here to join the fun. YourMoralLeader:  what’s new Leah, how’s life with the goyim? when do you return to the hood? LeahKleim:  life with the goyim sux LeahKleim:  2 weeks is what Ive been saying for 2 and a … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim Is Live In My Chat Room

Click here to join the fun. maven:  I have a musical recommendation for you the new Sébastien Tellier album guest117:  IS IT GOOD YourMoralLeader:  maven, go to the israel fest yestereday? guest117:  SO YOUR THE GUY BEHIND THE VOICE ON … Continue reading

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