Tag Archives: rabbi

‘Secret Lives Of Great Authors’

From the new book: Balzac preferred not to ejaculate, fearing that it would sap his creative energy. Said a friend: "Sperm to him meant emission of purest cerebral substance, and therefore filtering, a loss through the member, of a potential … Continue reading

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Every Time I Enter A Rabbi’s Office, I Leave It With Less Freedom To Pursue Truth

I’m not complaining. I think it’s cool. It means I have to make fewer decisions. I have fewer options. I’m a drop in the rain, just a number not a name. And you don’t see it. You don’t believe it. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Ephraim Bryks – Marriage Counselor

Vicki Polin writes: Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Brooklyn, NY) – This makes me sick! www.theawarenesscenter.org/bryks_ephraim.html What more can we do to protect innocent people from becoming the next victim of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks?  How is it that after all … Continue reading

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My Sana Krasikov Interview

I talked to her for two hours by phone Thursday morning. It got bumpy. My legendary charm was nowhere to be found. From my chat room: YourMoralLeader:  Emma, just tell your parents you have to go to LA to fundraise … Continue reading

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I’m Live In My Chat Room With Rabbi Gadol

From my chat room: RabbiG:  I’m here to do an audit. RabbiG:  Tzitzit – check. RabbiG:  Keepah – check RabbiG:  Beard – it grows jonnie:  But I like his cheeky smile RabbiG:  Virtuous women in chat room – check QuixoticLass:  … Continue reading

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