Tag Archives: public outrage

Religious Vs Secular In Israel

The WSJ reports: As the Orthodox seek jobs and housing in other areas, they are increasingly interacting with mainstream Israelis who see their strict code of religious practice to be coercive, and a threat to Israel’s democracy. “It’s a slippery … Continue reading

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AIG Bonuses

Rabbi Gil Student writes: "R. Dr. Asher Meir published an article from two weeks about an AIG executive’s Op-Ed in the NY Times in which he announced his resignation (Op-Ed in NYT, Asher Meir). Dr. Meir calls the letter "a … Continue reading

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OU Certifies Toilet Bowl Cleaner As Kosher

I am greatly relieved as I always enjoyed a cup of this cleaner every morning (it is cheaper than orange juice and more effective in promoting my digestion). Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: In a previous post I showed a … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy

Eytan Kobre writes: Below I share with you (with very minor changes) the e-mail letter I sent today to Dina Kraft, a JTA reporter, responding to her article on the JTA website regarding the controversy over the ruling of an … Continue reading

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Rabbi Ephraim Bryks – Marriage Counselor

Vicki Polin writes: Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Brooklyn, NY) – This makes me sick! www.theawarenesscenter.org/bryks_ephraim.html What more can we do to protect innocent people from becoming the next victim of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks?  How is it that after all … Continue reading

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