Monthly Archives: February 2012

Gunther Plaut Was 99

The Jerusalem Post headline is: “Reform Movement mourns passing of Gunther Plaut” Well, I think more than just Reform Jews mourn the passing of this congregational rabbi and Bible scholar. One of the first Jewish books I read was Gunther … Continue reading

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How To Sit Comfortably

Alexander teacher Ariel Weiss tells interviewer Robert Rickover: “I want to debunk the myth of sitting still. We’re not designed to sit still. People get in trouble when they stiffen themselves and make themselves still when they sit.” “I ask … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique And Beauty

Thinking about writing on this topic, I Googled “Alexander Technique and beauty” the other day and found no consequential results. Nobody that I can find has written on this topic. Call me shallow, but I not only prefer to look … Continue reading

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Escaping From Your Life

I’ve never done any kind of illegal drug. I’ve never smoked marijuana. I’ve never felt tempted to indulge this way. I’ve never led a dissolute life. While I’ve hung out with dissolute people at times, I’ve not participated in that … Continue reading

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Christian Certitudes About Jews

I hate dealing with ignorant people who want you to confirm their stupid prejudices. One category in this obnoxious set are unlearned Christians who have all sorts of unfounded beliefs about Jews. One such man called in to Dennis Prager’s … Continue reading

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