Monthly Archives: January 2012

Have I Ever Known The Love God?

Pastor Jim Fitzsimmons in Australia emails: hi Luke, I wonder if you have ever known The love God? The love that caused Him to send Christ for you on Calvary. The love that sent His Spirit to speak with you, … Continue reading

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A Frum Jew Takes Charge at the White House; and Did You Know There’s an Official Rabbi of JFK Airport?

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How legendary record producer Tony Visconti became an Alexander Technique teacher

Barry emails: Luke: Here is a short passage about Alexander Technique which I found in the autobiography of legendary record producer Tony Visconti. Visconti was a London-based American who now lives in New York I believe. He was instrumental in … Continue reading

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Can You Teach Alexander Technique Via Skype?

I did a radio interview last week with Debi Dali in Dallas. She asked if I taught Alexander Technique via Skype. So far, I do not, but many leading Alexander teachers do, including Robert Rickover, Mark Josefberg and Sharon Jakubecy. … Continue reading

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Detroit Medical News Features The Benefits Of The Alexander Technique

Dr. Susan Adelman writes for the Detroit Medical News: Oddly enough, no medical school or residency teaches the Alexander Technique, even though this technique has many potential uses in medicine. So, what is it? My first exposure to the Alexander … Continue reading

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