Monthly Archives: November 2011

What Do You Do In The More Advanced Lessons?

I was talking about the Alexander Technique to a new friend today. I said it was a way to notice your responses to stimuli and to let go of those responses that don’t serve you. He asked me how is … Continue reading

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My Sleeping Problems Solved!

Like my dad, I’ve had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep most of my adult life. The best solution was to physically exhaust myself with exercise during the day. Since I came down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in February 1988, … Continue reading

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Is Running An Alexander Technique Training Course The Path To Riches?

F.M. Alexander began instructing teachers in his methods with great reluctance. He did not do it to further his technique as much as to make money. During the Great Depression, his private students dried up. So he realized he’d have … Continue reading

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What’s Underneath The Tension?

Often I will work with somebody in Alexander Technique and they will be incredibly tensed up. They are armored. They are protected by their tension but also imprisoned by it. Even though I have no formal training in psychology, I … Continue reading

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Four Negative Results Of Feminism

Dennis Prager writes: The first was the feminist message to young women to have sex just like men do. There’s no reason for young women to lead a different sexual life than men, they were told. Just as men can … Continue reading

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