Daily Archives: November 23, 2011

But That’s Not The Alexander Technique!

The most infuriating phrase I hear these days is, “But that’s not the Alexander Technique!” I remember hearing it first about 18-months ago from a fellow trainee who told me, “But good use is not the Alexander Technique.” So why … Continue reading

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The Pepper Spray Incident At UC Davis

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You need to watch the longer video to get the context. It’s exactly like the Rodney King beating where people didn’t see what preceded it. The media did their usual mischief-making by … Continue reading

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The Ohel Sarah Imenu Conversion Program

Prof. Yitzhak Kerem forwards this: Dear Prof. Kerem, You asked me a few weeks ago, (November 6, 2011), to write more details on what happened at Ohel Sarah Imenu conversion program for women in Jerusalem. You wrote: Netty doesn’t understand … Continue reading

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The Rav Was Not A Zionist?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: To give one example of his many polemics, readers of the journal will never forget how he targeted R. Elya Svei. Yet he wouldn’t mention him by name. Instead, and as a way to show how … Continue reading

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I’m Souring On Newt Gingrich

The past couple of weeks, I’ve felt a surge of affection for Newt Gingrich. I know he’s an egomaniac who’d probably be a terrible president, but I felt an urge to vote for him anyway. Then last night he said … Continue reading

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