Daily Archives: November 29, 2011

Interview With Pasadena Alexander Technique Teacher Bill Plake

Bill Plake blogs about what led him to the Alexander Technique: All had been going well by this principle until I reached the age of about forty. I very gradually began to notice that my performing and practicing were becoming … Continue reading

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The Missing Chapter from Luke’s Biography

Chapter 6 : My Special Summer with Uncle Jerry

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Christmas Values at Hannukah Prices!

My books on Ebay! Bob emails: Maybe all four of Luke’s literary successes could be packaged in some sort of deluxe fashion for the gift giving season? Maybe a miniature hovel to house these masterworks? No Orthodox’s coffee table would … Continue reading

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Infidelity Vs Bad Moods

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “It is as hard for a man to stay faithful to his wife all of his life as it is for a woman to stay moodless all of her life.” “Bad moods … Continue reading

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