Daily Archives: November 1, 2011

Did The Chofetz Chaim Go Too Far?

A secular Jew calls up and says he reads the Chofetz Chaim every night and that the central point of Judaism is that you don’t be a shmuck. Dennis Prager: “I agree. The Chofetz Chaim is a great saintly rabbi. … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Walk Humbly With God?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Walk humbly with your God is another challenge to religious people. Don’t wear God on your sleeve. Walk humbly with your God. God should be omnipresent as a guide to good behavior … Continue reading

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Is Breast-Grabbing Sexual Assault?

Dennis Prager on his radio show today: “When my wife was a waitress at a well-known chain, the manager on a number of occasions just grabbed her breasts. She told him to let go and that was it. My wife … Continue reading

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What’s New on Cape Cod? Seals from Maine, Summer Workers from Europe

Stephen Steinlight writes: Spending a part of every summer vacation in South Wellfleet at the far end of Cape Cod was a rite of childhood, one I revived when my daughters were little and then again, many years later, about … Continue reading

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Letting Go Of Needless Body Tension Transforms Your Writing

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