Monthly Archives: June 2011

And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

January 26, 1986 was Super Bowl (XX) Sunday. I listened to the game as I drove my 1966 VW Bug from Auburn (where I’d just pulled a shift in the news department of KAHI/KHYL radio) to my friends the Muth … Continue reading

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The Different Parts Of My Life Are Now Working Together

I’ve lived a life of separate worlds. I had friends at school and friends at work and friends from childhood, but I never introduced them. Instead, I lived many lives. It was easier that way. I could do what I … Continue reading

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You Have A Micro-Brain

I had a girlfriend at UCLA in 1989. Because of my CFS, we’d lie in bed a lot and listen to Dennis Prager’s radio show on Saturday and Sunday nights. Dennis said that men were more oriented to macro-issues such … Continue reading

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The Lunch That Changed My Life

In December of 1979, I was part-way through eighth grade at the Seventh-Day Adventist Pacific Union College Elementary school in Angwin, CA, 94508. My father taught in the college’s Religion department but he was being shipped with my mother to … Continue reading

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How I Discovered The Alexander Technique

September, 2010 “What’s the matter, Luke?” asks the hostess at the end of the meal. “You haven’t said anything inappropriate all meal? We even have two single women here.” I am at Shabbos lunch with friends. I’ve known them for … Continue reading

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