Daily Archives: August 2, 2010

Excuse Me If I Don’t Feel Sorry For Those Whose Jobless Benefits Have Run Out

I can’t believe some people collected 99 weeks of unemployment benefits. Sweet! I’m self-employed. There’s no bailout nation for me. I have to make my own way in the world. So I don’t feel sorry for those whose generous nearly … Continue reading

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Will Bnai David-Judea Follow Suit?

Bnai David is the most liberal Orthodox shul on the West Coast. I wonder if it will copy these developments in New York? My yetzer hara says: “Do you remember Lamelle from when she was at Bnai David? She has … Continue reading

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What Must A Goy Do To Be Saved?

This week’s Torah portion is Re’eh: Re’eh, Reeh, R’eih, or Ree (ראה — Hebrew for “see,” the first word in the parshah) is the 47th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the fourth … Continue reading

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Not That Muslim!

A Lukeford.net correspondent reports that at an Orthodox shul in Los Angeles on Shabbos morning, when the time came to say a prayer for the American government and the president, one Jew loudly said, “Not that Muslim!” My friend says: … Continue reading

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New Valley Village Shul

Joe emails: This is the new (well, it is more than a year old) quasi black hat shul in the valley for those valley-ites who wish they could be in La Brea but cannot afford the cost of a house … Continue reading

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