Daily Archives: August 27, 2010

Honoring Parents

Says Dennis in a 1997 lecture on honoring parents (Exodus 20): I was at a speech and a woman came over to me and she said, ‘Dennis, I read your books and I got involved in Judaism and let me … Continue reading

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High School Game Of The Week

I was just watching ESPN and it advertised that on Friday night at 7pm PST, it will show this high school football game between the Grant Pacers and the Folsom Bulldogs. I went to the redneck Placer High School (class … Continue reading

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Rabbis At An Exhibition

In a 1996 lecture on Exodus 20, Dennis Prager says: There was a great hesitation to use art for anything but worshipping God [in the Jewish tradition]. The rabbis didn’t sit down, generally speaking, and paint. We didn’t have Hillel … Continue reading

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Employment Prospects Grim For Least-Educated

David Deutsch emails David Kelsey: “This is pretty insensitive–think of how many American-born bloggers Luke has driven out of business?” From CIS.org: WASHINGTON (August 27, 2010) – Less-educated, younger, and minority American workers face the worst job market in decades, … Continue reading

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I Got An Email From Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Yesterday, I emailed Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky this comment by a blogger: “Two weeks before Rosh Hashana and in the context of an apology, Orlofsky feels free to insult bloggers who objected to the Slifkin ban. Those bloggers include rabbis, students, … Continue reading

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