Daily Archives: August 23, 2010

Torah Talk Returns

Rabbs and I want to do a Rosh Hashanah fashions show in the next week or two on Torah Talk and we need prospective models to show off the latest in frum fashions. I will need to meet privately before … Continue reading

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Where Do People Have Affairs Now?

I love how Dennis Prager’s mind works. On his radio show today, he says: Anything happens now, there’s a video of it. Is there a parking lot in America near any store that is not videoed? Where do people have … Continue reading

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The One Group You Can’t Critizice

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he says: The argument that the people against the mosque being built near Ground Zero are only aiding our enemies. Al Qaeda sees all the protests against the mosque and this helps recruitment. Something … Continue reading

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Beauty Queens Have More Wisdom Than Intellectuals

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “She could do more for Muslims than half the faculty in Islamic studies in this country. She’s not a victim. She loves America. She’s proud of her heritage and understands the pain … Continue reading

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Topless Women March On Venice

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: Most people who did not go to graduate school understand there is a big difference between men going bare-chested and women going bare-chested. You don’t have to rush to the picture in … Continue reading

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