Daily Archives: August 13, 2010

Was Jesus A Hater?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “Were all the great moral thinkers of history haters? There isn’t a single great moral thinker in history of which I am aware who advocated same-sex marriage. There is no parallel to … Continue reading

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NBA Stars’ Jewish Summer; Jewish Fashion; Youngest Jewish Congressman

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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Kosher Racism?

From a post on Frum Satire: Yesterday, my tichel clad wife took our son to the park. Even though it was about 5 or 6 pm-ish, there was a fair amount of kids still running around. My son began to … Continue reading

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Did G-d Do It?

In Genesis 45:5, Joseph tells his brother, don’t be distressed for selling me as a slave, for it was G-d who sent me ahead of you to provide. In a 1995 lecture on this, Dennis Prager says: Joseph says it … Continue reading

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