Daily Archives: August 6, 2010

Victory In Dennis

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “Go to my website DennisPrager.com where we have a winning in November pledge. On the very top is a “Winning in November” take the pledge. All you are doing is pledging support … Continue reading

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Loma Linda Is The Loneliest Adventist Community In The World II

I wrote a blog post on this theme a couple of months ago. I figured I’d ape my posts about the most prestigious Sabbath invites in Orthodox Judaism in Los Angeles with one about Loma Linda University. One problem — … Continue reading

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Freedom In Christ!

My favorite goy, Greg Leake, emails: “I thank G-d that my mother was not Jewish, and also for Jesus bin Joseph. Otherwise I probably would have fallen heir to all of these obligations and responsibilities and would have been a … Continue reading

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An Orthodox Rabbi Cheers The Overturning Of Prop 8

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky was the only Orthodox rabbi in California, to the best of my knowledge, who went public with his opposition to Prop 8. I don’t agree with the rabbi on this but he argues his case well in … Continue reading

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Remembering The Commandments

In therapy with a goy, I tried to explain the meaning of my choosing to wear my tzitzit (fringes) outside my shirt by extending my middle finger and waving it around. Somehow the holiest of commandments become perverse when I … Continue reading

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