Daily Archives: August 19, 2010

The Importance Of Names

In a 1995 lecture on Exodus 5, Dennis Prager says: Names in Bible are very important. Adam names the animals. When you name something, you are giving it essence. That’s why the Nazis took the Jews names away and gave … Continue reading

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Where Are The Great Islamic Centers For Interfaith Understanding?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says “that everybody on the left that supports this mosque believes that this will be a center for interfaith understanding. Why do they believe this man? Are there other Islamic centers for interfaith … Continue reading

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Good Guys Having Fun

From DennisPrager.com: Prager H1: The UK High Court has said Catholic adoption agencies must give exactly the same preference to same sex couples as to heterosexual couples – essentially kicking them out of the adoption business… Mexico is becoming a … Continue reading

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It’s Difficult To Love G-d And To Love Man

In a 1995 lecture on Exodus 5, Dennis Prager says: It is difficult if not impossible to love G-d and to love humanity at the same time. If you really love people, then you so cry for their pain that … Continue reading

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In America They Call That Boundaries

Russian Jewess at the Comedy Store:

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