Daily Archives: August 18, 2010

When Did It Become The N-Word?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: Laura Schlesinger announced that she would be leaving radio because she had used the n-word. From what I heard, it was entirely to say that nobody should use the n-word. She has … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Larry King

From DennisPrager.com: Prager H1: Dennis was on Larry King Live last night with Stephanie Miller, Bishop Harry Jackson, and, candidate for Attorney General, California, Kamala Harris, The subject was same sex marriage…This morning on her radio show, Stephanie Miller, accused … Continue reading

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One man’s vegetarian journey from Seventh-Day Adventism to Orthodox Judaism

I am going to speak to a group of Jewish vegetarians in October. Vegetarianism is the last topic I thought I’d ever speak on. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life but never thought about it much. Here are the … Continue reading

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