Daily Archives: August 5, 2010

Is G-d Satisfied With You?

Dennis Prager blows away his Christian friends when he tells them that he believes that all in all G-d is very satisfied with him. Many perhaps most of Prager’s Christian friends walk around with a deep sense of unworthiness. In … Continue reading

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All The Great Moral Minds Were Wrong

Dennis Prager H1: Moses, Jesus, Jefferson, Gandhi and anyone else you can name – they were wrong. But a judge in California is right. What California voters have repeatedly endorsed – a traditional definition of marriage – is overturned by … Continue reading

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I Want To Open Up My Own Virtual Kollel/Recovery Center

According to this 2008 990 filing on guidestar.org, the Westside Kollel CEO Rabbi Marc Lebhar brought home over $110,000 that year. This makes me question why did I ever bother with —-? Instead, I should’ve opened up a kollel. Oy, … Continue reading

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Sweet Salaries At The Skirball Cultural Center

According to the Skirball‘s 2007 990 filing found on guidestar.org: Uri D. Herscher: $523,000 Robert Kirschner: $154,000 Jocelyn Tetel: $136,000 Robert Harrison (Controller): $134,000 Kathryn Girard (Chief of Staff): $215,000 Richard Cherry (Operations): $157,000 In 2006, Uri D. Herscher made … Continue reading

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The Faith-Based Model For Recovery Pays Damn Well

I’m checking out the 2008 990 filing of Beit T’shuva (House of Repentance), a Jewish recovery house. “The most important component of the Beit T’shuva faith-based model of recovery is the spiritual community.” Rabbi Mark Borovitz, the founder and author … Continue reading

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