Bnai David is the most liberal Orthodox shul on the West Coast. I wonder if it will copy these developments in New York?
My yetzer hara says: “Do you remember Lamelle from when she was at Bnai David? She has a beautiful voice. And is easier on the eyes than the male baalei tefila. Maybe he’s on to something!”
In a move that apparently would make “history” for an Orthodox synagogue in the United States, the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale is scheduled tonight to have a woman lead a Kabbolas Shabbos service where both men and women are expected to be in the pews, according to the Jewish Week.
The Jewish week reports:
A one-page e-mail letter was sent Friday morning to members of the synagogue, which is led by Rabbi Avi Weiss. The rabbi was recently embroiled in a major controversy over assigning the title Rabba to an HIR spiritual leader, Sara Hurwitz. The letter states: “Kabbalat Shabbat will be led by a woman. This is a halachically acceptable practice, and models our values.” While some Orthodox synagogues have women’s tefillah groups, a woman leading a Friday-night service for both men and women has apparently not been done in an Orthodox shul.
Traditional interpretation of Jewish law bars women from such a public role in the prayer service for various reasons.